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Side Chick(pea)

Be honest: the only time you ever eat chickpeas is in hummus. And it's probably storebought hummus too (for shame, homemade is so easy). Other than that, you probably never think about the poor, lonely chickpea at all. It's been relegated to side chick-status, AKA your back-up.

Well, let me just say on behalf of all chickpeas out there:

The chickpea is so much more than just hummus material. It's mega-high in protein and fiber, has an unbeatable creamy taste and, SURPRISE gets deliciously crunchy when baked.

Once you make this dinner you'll get it. You would think that chickpeas + spaghetti = vom but it's actually an amazing textural component that makes for one seriously tasty dinner. Forreals.

My dad asked me to make dinner for our family the other night and because I live in my parents' house rent-free with exactly one care in the world (Find job. Find job NOW), I said okay. And then I regretted it because I had no idea what to make. But luckily, the cooking gods were on my side that night and in just over half an hour, I whipped up this BOMB-ASS pasta dish. It's spicy, salty, lemony, crunchy and full-on delectable. Both of my parents were big fans (although they said it was too spicy...I disagree).

Additionally, don't balk at the inclusion of anchovy and don't leave anything out of this recipe. I know the ingredients and proportions might seem out of whack but TRUST this comes together in the best of ways. It's a perfect weeknight dinner when you just don't have time to whip up anything more but with chickpeas for protein and a nice green salad for some veggies, you're totally set.

PS -- buy chopped anchovies in a jar that you can refrigerate. It lasts for a really long time and a tiny bit of anchovy goes a long way to making unlikely recipes even more savory and delicious than you could have ever hoped for.


3/4 lb. spaghetti

1 15 oz. can of chickpeas, rinsed and patted dry

1/2 c. panko crumbs

1/3 c. capers

1/4 c. EVOO plus 2 tbs.

3 cloves garlic, minced

1/4 c. fresh flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped

1/2 tsp. crushed reds

1/4 tsp. anchovy

3 tbs. fresh lemon juice

1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper


1. Combine chickpeas, capers and bread crumbs on a large, rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle all over with the olive oil and sprinkle with the black pepper. T

oss to coat and bake at 400F for about 10-15 minutes, stirring every few minutes. Don't be worried if the chickpeas pop in the oven, that's normal.

2. Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to directions to al dente. Drain and return to pot.

3. In a medium saucepan, sautee the crushed reds, anchovy and garlic in the remaining 2 tbs. of olive oil until golden brown and fragrant.

4. Combine the pasta, garlic mixture and chickpeas in the stockpot and stir well to distribute. Add parsley and lemon juice, stir again. Serve immediately with Parmesano Reggiano.

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