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Ms. New Smoothie

Buenos días, chachos. I'm throwing a quick post your way because I'll be in Michigan until Tuesday and won't be bringing my laptop along. Please try not to miss me too terribly. I know it will be difficult. I'll be thinking longingly of you as well.

This is an amazing smoothie recipe that will definitely jump-start your weekend without making you feel sluggish and guilty.

Not only is it vegan, (Karma points) it is also reminiscent of a ladybug milkshake -- raspberries and Oreos, for the uninitiated.

While the ladybug shake is supremely delicious, it is also a supreme gutbomb. Legit, ALLLL THE CALORIES. Conversely, this smoothie is very light, calorie-wise, but very nutrient-dense thanks to protein from two different sources, fiber from the fresh raspberries and antioxidants from the dark chocolate cocoa powder. Basically, it's a smoothie you can feel really good about.

Bonus: this is a great way to use up raspberries that are slightly past their prime.

And now I'm off to the land of Pick-Ur-Own fruits everybody say hayyyyyy (insert patented Liz Lemon dance here).


1 to 1 1/2 c. unsweetened soymilk or milk of your choice (use less if you like a thicker smoothie)

1 heaping spoonful vanilla protein powder (I like Gold Standard 100% Whey)

1 tbs. instant coffee

1 tbs. unsweetened cocoa (extra points for a dark, unrefined one like Guittard or Ghirardelli)

1/2 pint fresh raspberries, washed and patted dry

3 ice cubes


1. Place all ingredients in blender. Push the button. Enjoy.

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